PowerUp for Individuals
Sometimes we all need a little one-on-one; someone who can help us uncover the beliefs and interpretations that may be keeping us from achieving that next level in life or work. The Individual Packages listed here are designed to do just that. Each wil provide you with a personalized snapshot of how you are showing up in your world, and an understandng of your options. From there, choose the package that provides you with as little, or as much, as you need to turn that corner.
With the Discovery Package you will learn about Energy Leadership and how your Average Resonating Level (ARL) of Energy impacts how you interpret and interact in the world.
Package Includes:
1-Hour Debrief Session
With the Awareness Package you will have the opportunity use your assessment results to gain insight into how you can influence your ARL to get more of what you want in your life, and a personalized action plan to start the process of improvement.
Package Includes:
1-Hour Debrief Session
12 1-Hour Sessions (3-months)
Optional Add On: Email / text communicaton between sessions
With the Create Package you will be embarking on your way to mastering enegry and making it work for you. Your assessment results will be used to personalize a more in-depth and far reaching program covering al aspects of your life to help you achieve lasting and sustainable results.
Package Includes:
1-Hour Debrief Session
24 1-Hour Sessions (6-months)
Optional Add On: Email / text communicaton between sessions