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PowerUp for Teams

Team dynamics can be pretty tricky, especially in newly forming teams. Even high performance teams go through times of challenges and change. The programs below, when conducted with teams and groups, can help the team understand how the different members of the team view the world, and how the team as a whole interacts within the organization. The higher level packages can also help teams to design a strategy for how they want to be engaging, and a plan for putting that into action.

Discovery for TEAMS


With the Discovery Package you will learn about Energy Leadership and how your Average Resonating Level (ARL) of Energy impacts how you interpret and interact in the world. You will also gain some insight into how you can influence your ARL to get more of what you want in your life.


Package Includes:

Awareness for TEAMS


With the Awareness Package you will have the opportunity use your Assessment results to 


Package Includes:

  • Energy Leadership Indexâ„¢ Assessments for Each Team Member

  • 1/2 Day Team Debrief on Results and Potential Actions

  • 1-Hour Personal Debrief Session for each Team Member

  • 6 45-Minute Sessions over 3 months  (2 per month) for each Team Member

  • 3 90-Minute Team Sessions over 3 months (1 per month)


Optional Add On: Email / text communicaton between sessions

Create for TEAMS


With the Create Package you will be embarking on your way to mastering enegry and making it work for you.


Package Includes:

  • Energy Leadership Indexâ„¢ Assessments for Each Team Member

  • 1/2 Day Team Debrief on Results and Potential Actions

  • 1-Hour Personal Debrief Session for each Team Member

  • 8 45-Minute Sessions over 6 months  (2 per month) for each Team Member

  • 6 90-Minute Team Sessions over 6 months (1 per month)


Optional Add On: Email / text communicaton between sessions

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