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The 6th Perspective: The Gift of Being Present

Everyone has heard the advice, “Live in the moment”, right? We’re told over and over that the only way to truly be happy to appreciate every minute while we’re experiencing it without wasting time analyzing the past or worrying about the future. And I know this all sounds well and good to most of us, but how the heck are we supposed to do that when we just had an awful day and tomorrow the bills are due and what in the world are we going cook for dinner?? Being present and living in the moment is something to strive for and, for most of us, it’s a goal that we will probably be working on for the rest of our lives. Those who have found a way to view life primarily from the 6th perspective, however, have somehow found a way to master this task.

The 6th perspective is what we like to call the ‘synthesis’ perspective. Those who operate from this perspective are taking that ‘live in the moment’ advice to heart and simply appreciating every experience as it comes along, regardless of the outcome. You see, at Level 6 what people feel is most important isn’t the outcome of any situation, but rather the experience itself. When in Level 6, people no longer judge what’s happening around them as good or bad. If the whole point is just the experience itself, then we are always already winning because we are always experiencing something. This is an incredibly freeing way to see life and I think we all could use a little bit more of it. When we look back at the best times in our life, we usually see that we were never truly 100% ‘there’ to experience it and can only really appreciate it when we look back. Approaching life’s moments from the 6th perspective allows us to be more ‘there’ and be able to savor the moment. A leader who operates from this perspective not only sees the best in everyone, but they also see the best in every situation. Whether it’s the closing of a big deal or the loss of a huge client, the 6th perspective leader is able to make the best of any situation. These leaders encourage others and often inspire great creativity because no one is worried about making mistakes. Teams feel accepted and valued under a leader like this and can often achieve amazing results. Great mentors are often those who are living with this mindset. You might be thinking, ‘Is there no downside to this perspective at all?’ But, of course, like all the perspectives, there are some potential pitfalls when you are always operating from the synthesis perspective. When you’re no longer worried about consequences, you can take some big chances and fail to learn from mistakes. You may also seem a bit naïve or even aloof to others. It’s only human to care how things end up, and when others feel that you are above all that, it can be a little off-putting.

It’s important for those who have achieved this level of perspective to surround themselves with a good support team. Your co-workers should feel comfortable enough to point out when you’re being too risky or encourage you to spend a few moments on the possible outcomes of a decision. Friends and partners should also balance you out with a bit more grounded approach to life while still appreciating and learning from your higher perspective. When you have a good relationship with those around you and they understand where you’re coming from, you can put together some pretty powerful teams, families and friendships!

Can you believe we’ve already made it through six of the seven levels of perspectives? Stick with us for the final level because I guarantee you that the seventh level really puts a new “perspective” on things! I can’t wait to tell you about it and wrap up this series of articles on one of my most favorite topics!

Trish Cody has over 18 years of experience consulting with some of the world’s top Fortune 500 Companies. Today, as an ICF and iPEC Certified Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, Trish works with clients to uncover their core values and beliefs, clearly see how they are showing up in their behaviors and impacting their success, and to shift their thinking to naturally attract positivity and success. For more information, visit

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